Installing on Server or as a standalone system
- Download the installation file. If you do not have the installation file, you can request it from
- Run PilotERP.exe directly on the main PC or Server on which you wish the Pilot ERP files and database to reside. We strongly recommend that you do not change the default installation path for Pilot (C:\Program Files\Pilot ERP or C:\Program Files (x86)\Pilot ERP). The location of the main company database files can be created in a different directory if necessary after the installation.
- Follow the Installation Wizard instructions. There are no configuration options necessary during the installation, so you can leave all options as default.
- After installation, you MUST open Pilot ERP on the server to generate the sample database in the C:\ProgramData\PilotERP\Data folder.
NOTE: The default location for the Data, Custom Reports and System files is: C:\ProgramData\PilotERP\
- After installing Pilot on the Server or Central Workstation, you will need to share the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pilot ERP and C:\ProgramData\PilotERP\ folders on the network with full rights in the share and change the windows security permissions for both directories to ensure that users have full control. After the initial installation and client setup, you can edit the permissions to read/write if necessary.
Client installation on a local Network
- From each client PC that will have access to Pilot ERP, you will need to map a new network drive to the shared C:\Program Files (x86)\Pilot ERP folder on the server.
NOTE: DO NOT run the full installation for Pilot ERP on any client PC which will be accessing Pilot from the server. If the full version of Pilot is already installed, it will need to be uninstalled through Add/Remove Programs and the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pilot ERP and C:\ProgramData\PilotERP folders on that PC will need to be deleted. If any data needs to be saved from that client PC, make a backup copy of the C:\PorgamData\PilotERP folder.
- After mapping the drive, open the Pilot ERP folder through this new drive, locate the pilot.exe application file, right click and select “Send – Shortcut to Desktop” to create the icon on the client PC desktop.
- Open Pilot from the shortcut icon.
Communication: Pilot uses ports 12015 and 12016. These ports may need to be opened on the Server and Client PC’s in your antivirus/firewall software.