The Drop Ship can be used to specify a ship to address different than your company location(s). The "Ship To" address on the Purchase Order defaults to the address entered for the inventory “Location” selected on the PO. If you want the purchased items to be shipped to a different location, the selected drop ship will override that inventory location and print the selected address on the purchase order. Your drop ship address options include:
- VE - Existing Vendor addresses
- CU - Customer Address
- PO - Drop Ship addresses previously entered on other PO's
- SH - Customer Ship To addresses
- LO - Inventory Location addresses
The drop ship address only needs to be entered if you want the purchase order to be shipped to a different address than the company location selected on the PO. The New and Edit option next to the drop ship address on the PO allow you to enter a new address or edit an existing address before saving to the PO.